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Is Nike Popular? - Let's ask Digimind

Photo du rédacteur: Marie-Aurélie SADAKAMarie-Aurélie SADAKA

Digimind is a social media listening and analysis tool allowing companies to adapt their strategy according to their digital reputation. We will therefore analyze the use of the “NIKE” keyword along with discussions about the brand in a one-month period, worldwide.

As shown on the trend graph, in a period of one month, there are at least 30k mentions or more about the Nike brand. This is explained by the fact that Nike offers a variety of products in more markets than any other sports company. They are even able to capture a far greater market share of the marketing than any other company. Shoppers today are focused on health and wellness, and more people are buying athletic shoes so they can exercise which is why people are constantly mentioning Nike and searching the web for Nike products.

As for the key concept, as you can see, the most used key concepts are shipping, dunk low, Jordan, Nike air, sneakers, Nike dunk, kickstagram amongst others. Nike brand is known for its sneakers and is recognized by the quality characteristics of their products and services. They are known to be the best at functionality, appearance, reliability, and durability. Nike focuses mostly on quality during the manufacturing process to meet customers’ demand and maintain high standards of quality. A lot of key concepts are related to the Jordan’s sneakers because they are popular and because Jordan’s offers a certain exclusivity level, incomparable to other footwear of its type.

As mentioned in the other articles related to Nike, today Nike is a diversified and complex global organization. Nike has grown into the world's largest athletic footwear and apparel company by starting with only a shoe and a t-shirt.

Nike sell their products in 170 countries, with 30,000 worldwide employees along with a dozen brands that serve more than 30 major sports and consumer lifestyles. Nike is the favorite in the sport world ever since it was created and cover everything from everyday attire to serious sport wear.

From October 30th 2021 to November 29th 2021, Nike has been mentioned over a million of times in few parts of the world, as seen on the map, in the US, Europe, Asia and South America.

Nike is a leader and a multinational corporation all around the world.

382 words


Image de Fachry Zella Devandra
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